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Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center

Members Present: Matthew Kennedy; Robert Lowell; Nancy Rocheleau; Ken Strom (late); Anthony Costello; Michael Scott; Leonard Anderson

Members Absent: None

Staff Present: Pamela Harding; Cynthia Smith

Others: Paul McManus - EcoTec; Dan Leahy - CB Blair Development; George Kiritsy - Atty. CB Blair Development; Sherry Blouin; Jonathan Markey- Foresite Engineering Associates, Inc.; Charles E. Caron - Caron Environmental Consulting; Stephanie Adams; Lucille Dufault; Eleanor Stacy; John Dufault; Paul Roche; Kevin Quinn - Quinn Engineering Inc.; Louis Montzoures; Jonathon Finkelstein - Atty. for Louis Montzoures; Iqbal Ali; James Tetreault - Thompson-Liston Assoc.; Walter Jabbs - Atty. for Nigha Realty; Howard & Elizabeth Doyle; Tom Capone; Carl Hultgren; Maureen Finlay - Finlay Engineering Services.

The meeting began at 7:00 p.m.

VIOLATION ALDEN WOODS - George Kiritsy and Dan Leahy were present. Wood chips, stone dams and wetland flagging on neighboring property have all been done since the last meeting. A hydrology report is being done but not available for this meeting. DCR has contacted the applicant because of another violation at this site. The Board wants a N.O.I. to be filed before the next meeting. The Board will conduct a site walk on March 15th at 7:30 a.m. R. Lowell noted that 6" of wood chips will not be sufficient for the spring thaw & rains and that matting will need to be put on the steeper slopes. D. Leahy passed out a narrative of the work that has been performed to this date. This case was continued to April 5th 2006.

N.O.I. 11 Courtney Dr. - D. Leahy passed out a narrative on the cost to maintain the detention pond. The Board continued this case to the April 5th meeting.

N.O.I. 1800 Main St. - Jonathan Markey and Charles Caron were present. A water pipe was hit during excavation and released aprox. 2,000 gal. / min. for approximately one hour. Complications as to where the shut off was and could be accessed hindered shutting the water off quicker. Silt, gravel, and boulders were moved into the resource area as a result of this water break. The applicant does not own the property that now needs remediation and is in the process of contacting the owner of the property. C. Caron has done a survey to access the damage to the wetlands. There is sediment up to one foot thick in the wetlands in approximately 3,500 - 4,000 sq.ft. There is further finer silt intrusion that has washed down stream further but would probably be impossible to clean up. The work to remove the thicker sediment will have to be done by hand. He has recommended that work commences as soon as possible and be finished before the plants begin to grow in the spring. M. Kennedy asked for a plan of the area showing the extent of damage. This case was continued to April 5th.

Wachusett Woods- Highland and 789 Wachusett St. - Louis Montzoures, Carl Hultgren, Jonathon Finkelstein and Paul McManus were present. Pre-existing buildings and impervious road area will exceed the percentage allowable so the applicant has eliminated the lower road access. This project will have a single access on Highland Street. They are proposing dry wells on each lot for the roof run-off. They will have a permanent detention basin to accommodate the site. They are proposing sand in the bottom of the basin for infiltration. The road will be a single-phase construction. They are proposing temporary sedimentation swales to help direct the flow of water during construction. M. Kennedy stated the existing drainage analysis should be re-addressed for this site because of the retention that currently is occurring and the run-off rates. He also noted during his site visit that there is considerable debris in the wetlands that will need to be cleaned up. He would like the applicant to submit a narrative of work that has been done to date. He also wanted the basin bottom to be vegetated and wanted to know what the proposed plant mixture would be. This case was continued to April 5th.

Wachusett Woods - Lots 15-25 - L. Montzoures, C. Hultgren, J. Finkelstein and P. McManus. Roof run-off for each lot will go to drywells. All work and grading is out of the 25' setback. A. Costello inquired what would protect the wetlands after the project is finished. The lawn area is quite a bit higher than the wetlands and therefore natural homeowner infringement will be more difficult. M. Kennedy noted that some lots already have work that has occurred in the 25' set back and would need restorative plants and grading in those areas. He also wanted to know what the ground water elevations were. He asked if they have considered using rain gardens rather than the drywells for the roof run-off. He noted that the check dams might need to be closer than shown on the plan. This case was continued to April 5th.

Cert. of Compliance - Quinapoxet Woods - Continued to April 5th.

N.O.I. Fisher Rd. - Ken Strom recused himself from this case. James Tetreault and Walter Jabbs and Iqbal Ali were present. This is a proposed 40B housing with 32 condo units on a 10-acre site. The site will have 2 detention basins for runoff and 3 drywells. There are no flagged vernal pools or perennial streams on this site. The applicant will be submitting new plans. A. Costello mentioned that area residents have been removing the wetland flags and stakes which make the protection of those areas even harder. The area will have to be viewed again when the flags have been re-done. Holden DPW has asked for hydrology calcs from the applicant. M. Kennedy asked that a watershed plan be in the packet and asked what the seasonal high ground water is near the detention basins. M. Kennedy inquired if they are proposing infiltration basins as stated and if they will be providing water quality treatment. They will be using 7 forebays and two storm ceptors. Matt stated that that would not provide enough water quality treatment. P. Harding stated the sedimentation erosion control plan was for a previous project and is not pertinent to this project. She stated that the Q series wetland flaggings should be redone for the next meeting. This case was continued to April 5th.

Sheffield Way - Maureen Finlay was present. This is a proposed 4-lot sub-division, which has previously filed an ANRAD. Part of the roadway and grading will be in the 100' buffer. They are proposing water runoff to go into a closed drainage system then into storm ceptors and finally drain down a rock swale. Through street sweeping, deep sump and storm ceptors they calculate 80% of the TSS (total suspended solids) will be removed. R. Lowell asked if they would need to submit a Stormwater Pollution Plan. P. Harding stated that they do. D. Nason, Town Engineer, has previously asked the applicant to look at the entire area as he felt the detention pond is too large. R. Lowell asked about access to the detention basin. There will be recorded easements. M. Kennedy noted that the emergency spillway should be moved from the middle of the basin to a natural area on the end. This case was continued to April 5th.

ANRAD - Malden St. - L. Anderson reviewed this case and noted that the wetlands on this site are very small and agreed with the plans. L. Anderson moved to accept the wetland plan as submitted. N. Rocheleau seconded and the vote was unanimous.

Cert. of Compliance Quinapoxet Woods - K. Strom has unanswered questions. This case was continued to April 5th.

Violation 179 Doyle Rd. - P. Harding has issued a request that a N.O.I. be filed.

Putnam Lane. - There was discussion on the concerns of this lot and work that is taking place.

Minutes - R. Lowell moved to accept the minutes as submitted with the addition of Jr. to Cle Blair's name. K. Strom seconded and the vote was unanimous.

Other Business -

Discussion on the status of the W.R.H.S. violations.

A.Costello, N. Rocheleau and the monitoring engineer for Hess gas station confirmed that the gas smell is coming from Petro. P. Harding will contact DEP to inform them where the odor is coming from.

L. Anderson moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m. and R. Lowell seconded.

The next meeting is scheduled for April 5, 2006